Decided to start your own business or change your field of activity but afraid to show yourself?

I will help you forever get rid of chronic INSECURITY and low self-esteem.
The main enemies of your success!

An individual program through which I will help you eliminate internal fears and beliefs that are hindering you from pursuing your dream, unlocking and harnessing your inner strength, and achieving career success.
If you ...
  • Are a middle-aged woman, you have talent, goals, and an understanding of what you want to do, but fear of failure or judgment is holding you back.
  • Freezing, endlessly ponder, burn out, and blame yourself for missed opportunities while others achieve success.
  • Dreaming of reaching a new professional and financial level, but uncertainty, low self-esteem and fear of showing up prevent you from acting?
  • Feeling like time, energy and money are disappearing forever and you are helplessly watching it.
Then that's enough
waste precious time and miss opportunities!

Sign up for a consultation where we will analyze your situation and I will tell you how to remove what is preventing you from manifesting yourself and achieving career and financial heights!
My name is Alexandru Cebotari, a graduate of the American Academy of Hypnosis, an Expert in Holistic Mind Therapy, a certified specialist in working with the subconscious, a regression therapist, and a coach.
I am the author of a unique and, most importantly, guaranteed effective program for self-discovery!

My signature program "Confidence equals Money!" will guarantee to help you solve your problems: lack of confidence, fear, lack of self-belief, burnout, low self-esteem, financial instability, procrastination...
Gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, overcome internal barriers to confidently take the next step in your career, whether it's starting your own business or transitioning to a new high-paying position.
During the program's completion:
  • Get rid of the fear of failures and mistakes.
    You will gain creativity and professional flexibility.
  • You will increase your level of self-esteem, self-confidence, and income.
  • You will unlock your personal potential and talent and move to a new level of professional life with confidence and determination.
  • You will regain the resourceful state from which you can think, act, create, and multiply your well-being from a position of pleasure and strength, without setbacks and burnout.
  • You will get rid of internal tension, blocks, and limiting complexes in your subconscious.
  • You will increase productivity, creativity, and achieve a state of "I want, I can, and I am making a financial breakthrough by doing what I love!"
What are the advantages of my program
  • The best technologies for working with the subconscious mind
    A proven practice, an effective comprehensive approach that combines the best technologies for working with the subconscious:
    Hypnotherapy, NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy), and other advanced technologies for personality change.
    Together, they guarantee results, provided there is mutual, full commitment and compliance with conditions from both the client and the therapist.
  • Clear program structure

    A clear, well-organized program containing both the best practices for working with the subconscious mind and a complex of exercises, tools, and homework to implement the desired effect.
  • Individual approach and feedback
    Individual approach to each person, support and feedback throughout the entire course of therapy and even after it. Each client has their own uniqueness, their own mind, and their own unique experience, which is very important to consider when building a successful therapy.
  • Focus on the result
    I always strive to achieve goals, as it is my motivation, joy, and a way to contribute to the progress of the world. After all, every person following their calling contributes to the improvement of this world!
The result can only be achieved with full dedication.
I provide experience, knowledge, quality work, and quality tools.
You need your desire, discipline, and hard work to achieve the result.
Only in this case can you achieve 100% result. Just "trying" - doesn't work!
Why me ?
I have been in your place. I know what it's like to be shy, insecure, and have low self-esteem as an introvert. After all, I was like that for a very long time.

I found a solution.For many years I searched for tools, and I found them! I mastered them perfectly, changed myself and many others, and now I am happy to help you too!

I was able to help myself. I got rid of emotional blocks, negative programs, and fears.

I live the life I dreamed of. I am happy, loved, and fully realize my purpose.

I am ready to help you go through transformation. I am ready to be your guide, but you will have to walk this path on your own. No one can do it for you.
How does it work
Leave a request for a free consultation.

I will contact you using the provided information to confirm the date and time of the consultation.

We schedule the date and time of the consultation.
- We will identify the root of your problems.
- You will learn how to get rid of them.
- I will tell you how you can achieve the desired result
with the help of my program.
We draw up a contract and make a payment.

We make payment convenient for you. We schedule the time and date for the next session. We create an individual program. The program usually consists of 8 weekly sessions, each lasting an average of 2 hours.

We are going through the program.

We undergo changes and adapt to them in our everyday life. We enjoy successes, feeling the joy of the fullness of existence!
That's why there is no money..

Low self-esteem and lack of confidence are the main reasons for poverty, inaction, disappointments, and the it is the biggest obstacle to your well-being and fulfillment. I know this not just by hearsay.
All the trophies and riches go to those who are confident in themselves and their work. Fortunately, today exist effective methods of working with the Subconscious that can eliminate your lack of confidence and raise your self-esteem to a completely different level.
You no longer need to bury your talents, ideas, and dreams within yourself, you can effectively realize yourself, reach career and financial heights, and achieve your goals with ease and pleasure using the most powerful tool you have - Your Subconscious Mind!

My program combines the best practices from hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, CBT, and other advanced technologies for personality change. These are the most advanced and repeatedly proven effective methods for changing your beliefs, internal programs, behavior patterns, limitations, and fears.
I will help you change your attitude towards yourself and the world around you. In my work, I use techniques that provide fast, real results.

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Это бережёт Ваше время, и позволяет Вам получить помощь, где бы Вы не находились.
Their life has already changed for the better.
Submit an application for consultation.
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